Conflict of Interest
Policy Statement
IESHG places great importance on making clear any existing or potential conflict of interest for its members or staff. All such conflicts of interest shall be declared by Board or staff member concerned and documented in minutes and the Conflicts of Interest Register.
Prior to the commencement of Board meetings or whenever a potential personal or agency conflict of interest becomes apparent, the business of the Board will be suspended to consider the conflict of interest.
Where a conflict of interest is identified and/or registered, the Board or staff member concerned shall not vote on that issue. Only with the unanimous agreement of all other Board members present may the individual concerned participate in any Board discussion on that topic. Failing such agreement being reached, the individual shall either refrain from participation or leave the room.
When the Chairperson is aware of a real or potential conflict of interest involving one of more Board or staff members, the Chairperson must take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that the conflict is managed in an appropriate manner according to this policy.
Individual Board members, aware of a real or potential conflict of interest of another Board or staff members, have a responsibility to bring this to the notice of the Board.
Conflict of Interest Register
This register is to be completed by the Chair of the Board of IESHG at each meeting when required to record conflicts of interest identified by Board members and staff. Completed checklists should be stored with the minutes of each meeting.
The checklist should be used in conjunction with the Board Conflict of Interest Policy.
This checklist has been developed to provide consistency in documentation of conflicts of interest relating to Board meetings.
Inner East Social Housing Group
This policy was reviewed in April 2021. It is scheduled for review by April 2024.